About Beam Me Up
My work for the past few years has been inspired by outdated technology and the interaction with unknown interfaces. In this current age of digital infobesity where many have forgotten the analogue machine, I continue to look back to its form, interactive nature and intention. My work often exaggerates the information given in order to provide a confusion of the nature of the interfaces. The work takes on an absurdity in which I myself do not know the true nature of the machines. They are just as alluring and overwhelming to me as to the viewer. My current work is a sculptural progression from my drawing work. This piece is made out of foam core and drawn on the surface with pen. There are different shaped and sized modular pieces that interconnect on and off the wall creating a growing network of machines. Some of which include pieces that cover video screens. A component of audio accompanies the piece and acts as the indecipherable voice of these objects.
About Sam
Sam has always been fascinated by worlds outside of our own. When he was a kid he was not very social and found comfort in creating worlds and places through drawing that he could enter into and feel mystified by. In his art practice his work often cements itself in drawing but strays in other directions through the mediums of sculpture and sound. Once becoming an Art Major, Sam began to focus his conceptual interests on themes of technology, science fiction and patterns of growth in nature.