Let us know what you think.
These are all amazing, you all are so talented!
Eleanor Kay
Congratulations to our graduating senior artists! Your work is stunning and your words inspiring. And brava to curator Abigail Haley, this beautiful site is a great gift to the artists and to the extended IC community.
Lauren O'Connell
This is so wonderful! Great job to everyone! You should all be so proud.
Jeremiah J. Anthony
Congrats to all you talented and creative artists! Great job adapting to difficult circumstances with this amazing virtual show. Thanks for sharing your art and your inspiration, and good luck to you all going forward.
Sue Bonadonna
The artwork is so amazing and the site is put together so wonderfully. So beautiful!
Abigail Elsey
this is such a gorgeous gallery, congrats to abby and all of the incredible artists!
Cameron Coughlin
I love all the textures, reflections, motions, contrasts, landscapes, inscapes, colors, sounds, puzzles, questions, and points of view. Bravo!
Catherine Michael
Congrats to the artists on reaching an important milestone, with thanks to their teachers and helpers, and best of luck to all in future!
Reed Bonadonna
Great work!
Sierra Baker
AMAZING!! But of course it is ... you ARE amazing 😘
Laura Adriano
This exhibit was truly incredible. Hats off to all artists, the curator, and all their ability to create such a special exhibit online!!
Peter Champelli
Beautiful work and congratulations to all of you!!
Elena Haskins
Wow, super impressed with the work this year!! Love the ability to scroll through the gallery and also the videos of installation work is a fantastic addition. Congratulations Abby and to all of the 2020 seniors in this exhibit!
Anna Gardner
Looks fantastic! Congratulations Class of 2020 artists and wonderful job, Abby!
Mara Baldwin
It was really nice to sit down and take a moment to appreciate all of this artwork. I especially love Like Soil, We Drift. I love the effect that was created by incorporating rocks and dirt into the images, giving the illusion that dirt is covering the surface of each photograph. The way he used the organic material as a framing device was neat; this effect adds dimension to the piece and creates an obstruction. This illusion of obstruction becomes a metaphor for how the artificial border our government is establishing is preventing and obstructing migration, which has become a crisis for many people. I commend Devin for bringing awareness to the broken and unjust immigration system and for documenting his experience and interactions when visiting Tucson and Nogales on 35mm. I also really enjoy the way that this exhibition is showcased virtually. It is nice to be reminded that positive things can come out of this difficult time.
Lauren Kelly
Great work! Congratulations everone, especially Libby, Maddy, Devin, Paddy, Kristen, Cait, Andrew! Great soundscape, Sam! Simply beautiful to see (and hear) all of your projects!